BK Soul Sustenance Message 26 June 2016

bk murli today

Posted by: BK Prerana

BK Prerana is executive editor at bkmurlis.net and covers daily updates from Brahma Kumaris Spiritual University. Prerana updates murlis in English and Hindi everyday.
Twitter: @bkprerana | Facebook: @bkkumarisprerana

    BK Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 26-06-2016

    Soul Sustenance 26-06-2016

    The Art Of Forgetting In Relationships 

    Sometimes, someone says something in two minutes that makes you feel really bad - they said it in two minutes but it is still there inside the register of your mind two months or even two years later. How could they! Who do they think they are! Something happened in two minutes and you remember it, you repeat it again in your mind and in your words during interactions with others. You keep replaying the scene repeatedly in your mind. Just like an action replay of a cricket match, you see the replays from different angles and judge the scene in many different and negative ways and come to different conclusions, most of which are negative in nature. With this you strengthen that experience in your mental register. Memories and the experiences associated with the memories replayed continuously in the conscious mind enter your sub-conscious, so that even after a long period of time you remember what they said to you. The other person unburdened themselves and forgot it straightaway. 

    It's like your neighbour who takes out rubbish, throws it outside his house, into your compound and forgets about it and you allow that rubbish to remain there, without thinking of getting it cleaned. Someone throws a few words at you and they forget, but not only do you not forget but you repeat them in your mind to such a point that at times these action replays do not even let you sleep. We need to learn the art of forgetting memories that generate shadows of hurt or pain in our present. The past has already gone and what you have now is the present moment. 

    Message for the day 26-06-2016

    To celebrate achievements is to get the motivation to do more. 

    Thought to Ponder:

    Normally, we expect great achievements from ourselves or from what life offers. As soon as we sow a seed, we expect instant fruits. In fact, that is not possible. We need to first celebrate small little achievements, which will of course lead us to bigger things. But, first it is important to acknowledge those little steps and appreciate them. Then, I will be able to enjoy the journey of life. 

    Point to Practice: 

    Today I will move forward. Whatever is my aim, I will make effort to go one step closer to it. Today I will do something to take me closer. Not only that, I will also watch with detachment and see the beauty of my journey and the milestones I have already achieved. So, today I will take the inspiration to keep moving forward. 

    ***OM SHANTI***