BK Soul Sustenance Message 6 July 2016

bk murli today

Posted by: BK Prerana

BK Prerana is executive editor at bkmurlis.net and covers daily updates from Brahma Kumaris Spiritual University. Prerana updates murlis in English and Hindi everyday.
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    BK Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 06-07-2016

    Soul Sustenance 06-07-2016

    Crossing Negative Situations With Spiritual Power (Part 2) 

    Looking at different types of difficult problems in our life can make us loose our enthusiasm and also weaken us internally. Life can become a difficult and rough journey, which is when spirituality with all its different benefits can help us immensely. Spirituality is the technique of learning how to rule over yourself not only at the level of words and actions, but also on a more subtle level of thoughts, feelings and emotions. It teaches us the art and fills us with the power of applying a brake to our negative and unnecessary thoughts when a difficult situation is in front of us. It’s not about suppressing your mind and saying that from today I will not get angry or I will behave with love and humility with everyone and then going back to your negative self after some time. This is unnatural. But on the other hand, it’s about gently transforming your negative emotions into positive ones by the use of spiritual power filled in the self by connecting with the Supreme Spiritual Power Source of the world - God. This connection is called meditation in spirituality. 

    Also, it’s not about just relaxing your mind by reducing the number of thoughts, but it’s about creating the right positive thoughts which replace the negative thoughts which are in our mind, when we are in the middle of a difficult situation. So, spiritual strength is what will give us the ability to change our way of thinking and behaving and not just spiritual knowledge. Remember, it’s our personality which needs to change and that will automatically transform our thoughts and feelings, which are influenced by my personality. 

    (To be continued tomorrow …) 

    Message for the day 06-07-2016

    The one who understands God's love is himself loving too. 


    The one who understands that God has love for all children, never hates anyone, however negative the other person's characteristics might be. There is the understanding that it is not the person who is negative, but it is only a negative quality working within that person at that time. A loving person's love discourages the other person to use the negativity and encourages to use the positive qualities instead. 


    When I am connected with God, I am able to experience His love. Once I understand and experience His love, I am able to remain loving too - even with the most difficult people. I am then able to have good wishes for all, understanding that my love will make them positive too. I am never caught up with anyone's negativity, but am always happy as I only interact with positivity. 

    ***OM SHANTI***