BK Soul Sustenance Message 29 September 2016

bk murli today

Posted by: BK Prerana

BK Prerana is executive editor at bkmurlis.net and covers daily updates from Brahma Kumaris Spiritual University. Prerana updates murlis in English and Hindi everyday.
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    BK Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 29-09-2016

    Soul Sustenance 29-09-2016

    Tuning The Mind, Intellect And Personality (Sanskars) 

    The soul, is made up of three faculties - the mind, intellect and personality (sanskars). In order to tune these to the highest degree of subtlety, precision and efficiency; we need to connect with the Supreme Soul, who is also a soul, just like us, but has a perfect mind and intellect along with perfect sanskars: 

    Mind - The Supreme Being or God is an embodiment of positivity – negative and waste do not find a place in his mind. 

    Intellect - He is also the purest living energy in the entire universe – he is the innocent Lord; a being of conscious light, who has never taken a body and thus never experienced the five vices – lust, anger, greed, ego and attachment. 

    Sanskars - God is the ocean of the basic virtues of the soul and of humanity – peace, love, bliss, joy, power and purity. 

    By this connection, gradually over a period of time, our mind, intellect and sanskars begin to become like his – mind becomes full of positivity; intellect begins to become pure and is able to take correct decisions so that right karmas are performed and sanskars become full of the virtues mentioned above. 

    Message for the day 29-09-2016

    To donate virtues is the greatest donation. 


    To donate virtues means to express virtues through one's own words and actions. There is some or the other value revealed through all words and actions. The ones who constantly have the aim of donating virtues naturally bring benefit to all they come into contact with. No one would go away empty handed from such people. 


    When I constantly have the aim of using my virtues I have the satisfaction of giving continuously under all circumstances. I also find my own treasures of virtues increasing and I find myself richer and better than what I was. Thus I experience constant progress in my life. 

    ***OM SHANTI***