BK Soul Sustenance Message 02 January 2017

bk murli today

Posted by: BK Prerana

BK Prerana is executive editor at bkmurlis.net and covers daily updates from Brahma Kumaris Spiritual University. Prerana updates murlis in English and Hindi everyday.
Twitter: @bkprerana | Facebook: @bkkumarisprerana

    BK Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 02-01-2017

    Soul Sustenance 02-01-2017

    Filling Myself And Others With Invisible Treasures (Part 1) 

    Soul consciousness or the awareness of the soul is the key to the internal treasures of the original and eternal qualities of the soul. The moment I switch on the awareness of the soul, a spiritual point of subtle light or energy, situated at the centre of the forehead, I start accessing the qualities of peace, love and joy that lie hidden inside my consciousness. Since these are not physical treasures, they are limitless. It’s like suddenly I become an owner of an ocean of these qualities. The ocean is inside me and not anywhere outside. 

    When we hear the word ocean, the first characteristic that comes to mind is limitless. So suddenly I am the owner of an ocean of peace, love, power and bliss. I can draw and drink as much of these qualities as I want and these qualities will never get over, because an ocean is an unlimited, tireless and big hearted provider or giver, never expecting anything in return. The ocean will never refuse me, but, as stated above, the key to accessing the ocean is the awareness of the soul. It is a common experience of many that the moment we are in the consciousness of the body, we suddenly feel empty of these treasures and we experience emotions of peacelessness or sorrow or hatred or jealousy or powerlessness or fear etc., because in those moments, we have lost access to the ocean. 

    (To be continued tomorrow...) 

    Message for the day 02-01-2017

    The one who is loving is the one who experiences freedom. 


    The root of suffering is attachment, because attachment makes one bound. To be truly free means to learn to love and appreciate while remaining independent. Others' state of mind or task does not negatively influence one's own responses to the outside environment. There is the ability to be free and express one's own specialities without being coloured. 


    If I cannot keep myself free from attachment I am constantly experiencing suffering. Because I am attached, I am dependent on someone or something I have created a space for in my mind. When that person or object is criticized, neglected or not with me, I feel pain in my mind and I experience a sense of loss. Then I am not able to be loving. 

    ***OM SHANTI***