BK Soul Sustenance Message 8 March 2017

bk murli today

Posted by: BK Prerana

BK Prerana is executive editor at bkmurlis.net and covers daily updates from Brahma Kumaris Spiritual University. Prerana updates murlis in English and Hindi everyday.
Twitter: @bkprerana | Facebook: @bkkumarisprerana

    BK Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 08-03-2017

    Soul Sustenance 08-03-2017

    Remain Silent Within (Part 2)! 

    We are all originally peaceful and silent and all of us during our busy schedules want to experience silence, because that gives our minds rest. Why do we sleep everyday? At the end of a busy day full of thoughts, words and actions, we need some time to give the body some rest and also charge the mind. Also, the mind naturally wants to rest and not create too many thoughts. This is what happens in our sleep. But, if we take care during the entire day that while working on different tasks at the workplace or at home or with friends, that we think less, but positively and powerfully, then we would save a lot of energy of the mind. As a result we would perform better physically in all our actions. 

    To keep a silent state of mind does not mean that you don’t think but you think how much is required and take care that you do not create unnecessary thoughts. Also, you take care that apart from creating necessary thoughts related to the day-to-day actions, you also create positive thoughts which are based on the positive virtues or qualities of the soul. The positive qualities are peace, joy, love, bliss, purity, power and wisdom. This is called positive thinking and by thinking positive, the number of our thoughts will be less during the day. This is silence in action. Silence not only increases our efficiency, but it also keeps us more focused and mentally strong in different types of negative situations. Also, a mind which is concentrated and silent thinks clearly and as a result you take correct decisions. Even the body keeps physically healthy if our thoughts our reduced and also our relationships remain free from obstacles and full of joy and contentment. 

    (To be continued tomorrow …) 

    Message for the day 08-03-2017

    The power of silence makes the impossible achievable. 


    When I am faced with a difficult situation, my mind is flooded with thoughts. I also begin to talk about it a lot, describing the problem to all I meet. Then the problem looks so big that I feel I could do nothing to change it. 


    I need learn the art of silence (mental and verbal). Internal silence brings the right solutions because my mind is calm. And when I don't describe the problem too much to people I will know there is a solution and I will be able to find it too. 

    ***OM SHANTI***