Brahma Kumaris - Soul Sustenance and Message for the day

bk murli today

Posted by: BK Prerana

BK Prerana is executive editor at and covers daily updates from Brahma Kumaris Spiritual University. Prerana updates murlis in English and Hindi everyday.
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    Brahma Kumaris - Soul Sustenance and Message for the day

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    Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 19-04-2014

    Posted: 18 Apr 2014 01:30 PM PDT

    Soul Sustenance 19-04-2014

    Understanding And Expressing Your Potential - Part 1

    A free being is the one who recognizes their potential; they care for it, nourish it, use it and express it. It is an awakened being. It has stopped blaming, complaining and making excuses. It has taken on its full responsibility and has an attitude of gratitude at each moment. It is a relaxed being, but it does not get too comfortable in comfort zones or laziness. Out of peacefulness and spiritual strength, it rises above beliefs that limit their potential to grow and shine.

    Its energy is full of love, courage and determination. It is a concentrated energy that governs their mind and emotions; it is not distracted by the unimportant, it does not lose sight of the important and does not allow itself to be trapped by anything or anybody. Therefore, their energy is fully centred and has great power. Not the false power that comes from stress, adrenaline, pride and ego, but rather the power that arises from a being whose conscience, decisions and actions are aligned. From a being that knows that nothing or nobody can prevent it from being free and express their full potential. A free mind is a mind without limits, open to everything and closed to nothing. It is a mind that clings on to nothing and, because of this, is relaxed with everything. A mind is closed because it gets stuck on something; it is blocked by fears or disturbed by worries. A person with a busy, closed and clinging mind will get disturbed, they will fluctuate, they will lose their emotional stability and they will be easily offended. This doesn't happen to a person with a free, open and relaxed mind because they never lose sight of the true meaning of who they are.

    (To be continued tomorrow …)

    Message for the day 19-04-2014

    To search for solutions is to use resources for the right cause.

    Expression: Usually a lot of energy and time is wasted to find the cause of something that goes wrong. But thinking about that only wastes the resources that could be used for finding solutions. So it is not necessary to understand the causes but to find solutions. So the one who understands this fact is able to make the best use of available resources to correct the situation.

    Experience: Being focused on the solution rather than on the problem, I am able to use all my inner resources in the right way. I am free from complaints and am able to put in effort to do the best in the given situation. I am constantly happy and content because I know that there is a solution for every problem.

    In Spiritual Service,
    Brahma Kumaris

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