BK Soul Sustenance Message 21 June 2017

bk murli today

Posted by: BK Prerana

BK Prerana is executive editor at bkmurlis.net and covers daily updates from Brahma Kumaris Spiritual University. Prerana updates murlis in English and Hindi everyday.
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    BK Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 21-06-2017

    Soul Sustenance 21-06-2017

    A Vision Of Goodness For Everyone (Part 1) 

    We all live our lives from morning to night, performing actions and speaking words with others along with creating thoughts. The more all our thoughts, words and actions are full of the colour of different qualities, the more our life is an inspiration to all those whom we interact with and share many experiences of goodness with. Once a young boy was visiting a market and as he met a shopkeeper to buy a few items for his home, he found some money fallen on the floor, which did not belong to him. As he picked up the money and inquired with the shopkeeper about it, he was incorrectly told that it is the shopkeeper’s money, which he needed to return. As he returned the money, the real owner of the money turned up in the shop to collect it back. The innocent boy was surprised and questioned the shopkeeper about it, but he got only false answers back. He realized, as his parents had told him that the world is not a place completely full of virtues, but people can be false and pretend to be good at times. 

    Just like the little boy, sometimes we find ourselves surrounded by lots of false people possessing imperfect characteristics and sometimes some of us also get disheartened that does goodness exist in this world or not? Even God sees the world from above and sees the growing imperfections in this world. As a parent of the whole of humanity, He has this pure and sweet wish to change the world and not worry about the negative imperfection that exists. Also, God possesses the knowledge, love and power to transform the bitterness, the untruthfulness, the ego and the jealousy and hatred that exists in the world into goodness, sweetness, good wishes and love. Let’s discover His point of view in this message. 

    (To be continued tomorrow …) 

    Message for the day 21-06-2017

    Victory is guaranteed to the ones who are constantly loving. 


    The ones who are loving are able to involve others in everything they do with their love. So whatever the task maybe, they find it to be very easy and are able to accomplish the biggest task with ease. Also each task done by them is with love and so everything is done with lightness and so victory is guaranteed. 


    When I am loving and do everything with love, I constantly experience lightness, based on the blessings from others. I am carefree as there is no heaviness of the task to be performed. Love transforms labour into entertainment. My internal lightness enables me to do the biggest task with great ease, involving everyone with love. 

    ***OM SHANTI***